Monday, July 03, 2006

Back from France

My sister Jenny and I have been back from France for a week. It's been a short week.

We had some great times, some not so great times, and I took more than 400 photos. That's nothing compared to someone I know who took more than 700 photos, but hopefully I'll get copies of those. I finally finished numbering and renaming all the photos. That's slightly tedious, but I'll bet not as much as loading all of them onto the internet.

Here's a small sample of what we did/saw:

The Arc de Triomphe

Notre Dame de Paris

The Eiffel Tower

More to come later.


Christopher said...
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Christopher said...


Diane said...

I can't wait to see more of your photos - these are great. If you want to upload them to flickr, you might want to check out the flickr uploader. It lets you do it in batch mode so you don't have to do them individually. It uses the file name as the title, so if you have renamed them already, then you should be able to do it fairly quickly. Renaming and resizing mine took a few days, but I knew if I didn't do it right away it would never get done. I'm rambling now...enough.

Kate said...

Thank you. These are some of the better ones. From over 400, you can get a few good shots.

Unless you're the diva, and then most of yours look great.

Diane said...

Bah - thanks, but I had to take > 1000 to get a few good ones. Everyone on the tour probably thought we were the couple that never talked, we only took pictures.